Piotr Czekierda


Piotr Czekierda is a Co-Founder of Collegium Wratislaviense and Two Wings Institute, where he also serves as a Member of The Board. Among his research interests are: integral leadership, mission of university, common good, social trust and solidarity in a polarizing world.

He studied political science and philosophy at the University of Wrocław, business at IESE Business School in Barcelona (IFP) and creative writing at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBL PAN). He is also a graduate of the Leadership Academy for Poland and Program PAFF Leaders.

Piotr Czekierda served as member of the Council of Curators of the National Institute Ossolineum and member of the Participatory Council at the President of Wrocław. As a member of the Angelus Silesius House became a co-winner of the Pro Publico Bono Main Award for the Best Local Educational Initiative.

Besides of educational and scientific activities, Piotr dealt with innovative business and entrepreneurship: startup program for KGHM Group, mentoring with MIT Enterprise Forum Poland. Piotr was nominated in the plebiscite of Gazeta Wrocławska Polska The Times for the Most Effective Manager 2015. He is also a Co-Founder of Meli Melum – the Polish premium cider brand.

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